ThorpeLaw, P.A.

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"I want a Good, Clean Fight!" -- Professionalism in the Law

Individuals who seek legal assistance are almost always in positions of pain. They’ve suffered a physical injury due to a car accident or medical malpractice, are going through a contentious divorce, or have recently been fired, among other reasons. But sometimes the quest for justice in these scenarios leads people to believe that an “aggressive attorney” is the solution. However, an attorney who appears “aggressive,” whether by sending nasty emails to opposing attorneys or filing hasty, often unnecessary motions may often do more harm than good. Chances of resolving cases in a fair manner are substantially diminished, and attorneys who are unduly “aggressive” tend to gain a reputation in the legal community that may not be beneficial to the clients they serve. To be clear, all attorneys have a duty to zealously advocate for their clients—a commitment taken seriously at ThorpeLaw, P.A.. But it is possible to be assertive and fight smart instead of relying on pure aggression .

At ThorpeLaw, P.A., our team takes maintaining the highest standard of professionalism and ethics very seriously. In fact, we are proud to announce that our law clerk Kathryn Mesa’s article on professionalism in the law was recently published in the Florida Bar’s Summer 2020 publication “The Professional.” Her dedication to professionalism is part of why we are proud to have her as a member of the ThorpeLaw, P.A. team!

Courtesy of the Florida Bar